Welcome to my blog!

My name is Ivan Chen! I'm an incoming freshman majoring in Computer Engineering Technology at RIT in the coming Fall. I'm passionate about robotics and information infrastructure, whilst learning about programming, computer vision, web development, 3D printing, and cybersecurity.

Over the past few years, I've grown familiar with various programming languages such as Java, C/C++, Python, and TypeScript. I've worked with technologies like OpenCV, Next.js, Astro.js (which is what this site is built with), Docker, SQL databases, MongoDB, the Discord API, and Swing.

Some notable projects that I have done include a networked computer vision system for tracking AprilTags, a raytracer written using Swing in Java, and programming multiple robots (IZZI, Jim, Excelsior). All of my projects can be found on my GitHub page.

Currently, I'm learning about discretized computational fluid dynamics and programming a 2D particle based fluid simulation in C++ using OpenGL for rendering.

Here's a link to my portfolio website, ivanchen.dev!